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Tidbits, ENSO, Export Inspections, Markets & Rain Days Update 5/23/23


Dr. Michael Cordonnier reported yesterday:

"Dryer weather has encompassed most if not all the safrinha corn area of central and south-central Brazil. There is little rainfall in the forecast for central Brazil with a slight chance of rain this week in south-central Brazil. Some of the safrinha corn areas have been dry for about four weeks and there is little rainfall in the forecast. Temperatures are forecasted to warm up and the Brazilian National Weather Service (Inmet) is warning that the relative humidity may drop as low as 20%."

The USDA Weekly Crop progress report has North Dakota 32% planted in corn; the normal pace is 50%. Their soybean planting pace is 13% behind normal with just 20% in the ground. Sugar beets are 90% planted, 11% ahead of normal. Sunflowers are 5% planted, 8% behind normal. Oats, at 35% planted, are 27% behind. Barley at 38%, is way behind normal also.

Why is North Dakota so important? Farmers there planned to plant 3.75 million acres of corn, 27% more than last year, the single largest increase of corn acres for any state this year. Their corn prevent plant date is Thursday (May 25) for most of North and South Dakota and Northern Minnesota; May 31 for the majority of Minnesota.

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