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Tidbits, Clarification, Weather, Economy, Markets & Rain Days Update 6/28/23

Writer's picture: Wright TeamWright Team

Market Comment & Clarification

Roger apologizes for yesterday’s morning email sent discussing when to price your commodities. In no way was his intention to recommend you sell anything from a marketing standpoint. It was an effort to calm your nerves and it failed miserably. He is sorry.

That email was intended to explain that pricing a commodity with your merchandiser does not need to be the end of the marketing of that commodity. In fact, pricing the commodity to your merchandiser very well may be the first step in marketing that commodity.

To be clear: Roger expects all three commodities will see new highs yet this growing season.

But Roger does not know what the weather will be in July, so he does not know what prices will do in July. Given the current set of market conditions, Roger expects new highs and does not recommend you price anything until we see new highs and maybe not even then if there is no rain and the war is escalating.

Those of you who lay awake at night worrying about the markets, that is a stress that will shorten your life substantially. The purpose of yesterday morning’s email was an effort to reduce or eliminate that stress. There are multiple market tools available to reduce or eliminate that stress and still maintain an opportunity to increase your net price received.

We are here to increase your marketing income and reduce your stress doing it. Please help us do that for you by learning to use some market tools you have never used before.

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