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Weekly Summary & Recommendations 11/16/22

Writer's picture: Wright TeamWright Team

Grain market summary of price outlook, seasonal situation, fundamental & technical analysis with our recommendations for corn, soybeans and wheat for past week Wednesday to Tuesday.


Corn situation after the close Tuesday, November 15, 2022:

December corn settled on Tuesday at $6.66¾.

Price change Tuesday to Tuesday: up $0.01¼.

The past week’s high was $6.75, the low was $6.51¼.

Contract high is $7.66¼ made May 16, 2022;

Contract low is $3.69 made June 26, 2020;

Range is $3.97¼.

Yesterday’s closing price is:

$0.99½ below the contract high;

$2.97¾ above the contract low.

USDA’s 2021 crop carryout in terms of days’ use: US: 34, world: 93

USDA’s 2022 crop carryout in terms of days’ use: US: 30, world: 93

Seasonal Trend is up

Fundamentals are bullish

Technical Situation is uptrend

Price Above Breakeven? Yes

Conclusion: Sell all remaining 2022 corn on a December HTA at $7.24

We previously recommended on May 13, 2022 pricing all 2021 and 2022 crop corn your nerves could stand when December corn was $7.50+. All those orders were filled by May 16th.

This week's Bullish Consensus

And Seasonal Chart



Soybean situation after the close Tuesday, November 15, 2022:

January 2023 Soybeans settled on Tuesday at $14.57¼.

Price change Tuesday to Tuesday: up $0.10¾.

This past week’s high was $14.64¾, the low was $14.20½.

Contract high is $15.87¾ on June 9, 2022;

Contract low is $9.71¾ on December 2, 2020;

Range is $6.16.

Tuesday’s closing price is:

$1.30½ below the contract high;

$4.85½ above the contract low.

USDA’s 2021 crop carryout in terms of days’ use: US: 22, world: 95

USDA’s 2022 crop carryout in terms of days’ use: US: 18, world: 98

Seasonal Trend is up into January

Fundamentals are bullish, very bullish long term

Technical Situation is uptrend

Price Above Breakeven? Yes

Conclusion: Sell HTA $15.72 (be patient and it will come)

This week's Bullish Consensus

And Seasonal Chart



Wheat situation after the close Tuesday, November 15, 2022:

July 2023 KC Hard Red Winter Wheat settled on Tuesday at $9.37.

Price change Tuesday to Tuesday: up $0.06½.

Last week’s high was $9.49, the low was $9.04½.

Contract high is $12.10 on May 19, 2022;

Contract low is $4.94 on August 4, 2020;

Range is $7.16.

Tuesday closing price is:

$2.73 below the contract high;

$4.43 above the contract low.

USDA’s 2021 crop carryout in terms of days’ use: US: 127, world: 127

USDA’s 2022 crop carryout in terms of days’ use: US: 112, world: 124

Seasonal Trend is up

Fundamentals are bullish

Technical Situation is uptrend

Price Above Breakeven? Yes.

Conclusion: Place no orders to sell wheat at any price at this time.

We previously recommended pricing 2023 KC wheat at $8.35, filled March 21st

This week's Bullish Consensus

And Seasonal Chart

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