USDA Stocks Report Highlights Beans Thursday’s report was pretty bearish beans due to substantially more supply still remaining in storage than the trade expected. Even so, the market only decreased 40 cents after two days of trading, which is encouraging. Corn Estimates were not bullish, but after this summer’s massive market inverses, the final numbers were not out of line either. Even after the bean news, corn managed to close on Friday no lower than where it was the day before the report was published. Wheat The report showed fewer wheat bushels than expected, and after two days of trading, prices increased more than 50 cents. This may suggest wheat replaced more corn in rations last spring than originally thought. And this makes sense, considering wheat prices were very close to corn values in April and May. However, now that the wheat/corn price spread is much wider, it is unlikely that very much wheat will be used for feed this upcoming marketing year. If the wheat market has really turned a corner, it may be the catalyst needed to pull corn prices higher. And if corn is pulled along with wheat, there is a chance beans could reluctantly tag along too. Looking Forward The focus will now be on the national yield estimates published in the October report. Early information from fields south of I-80 across the belt suggests both corn and bean yields need to be increased. Drought areas north of I-80 and west of I-35 may not be as bad as everyone thought, and if these yield report patterns continue to hold true, it could keep a lid on prices through October.
Jon Scheve Superior Feed Ingredients, LLC
9358 Oak Ave Waconia, MN 55387 jon@superiorfeed.com