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2021 USDA Outlook Forum S&D

About the Annual USDA Outlook Forum and Supply & Demand Projections for 2021

The USDA presents its Annual Outlook Forum the third Thursday and Friday of February. Aside from the 2021 COVID year, the USDA rents a large hotel in the D.C. area, invites people from all over the world to stay a couple nights at the hotel and absorb numbers about every aspect on American agriculture for two days. It is one of the better Dog and Pony Shows you could attend.

Here is the link to the presentation schedule for the 2021 USDA Outlook Forum:

On Friday mornings, USDA presents its first Supply and Demand (S&D) projections for the coming growing season. The planted acreage, trend yields, and carryovers are the numbers that receives the most attention of the grain markets.

Here are the USDA projected S&D numbers for 2021 for corn, soybeans and wheat:


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