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Tidbits, March USDA S&D, Brazilian Soybean, Сrushing in China 3/9/24

Writer's picture: Wright teamWright team

Tidbits, S&D, Soybeans

While the current marketing year S&D information presented in yesterday’s monthly report was a non-event, the brain-trust at USDA is really digging deep into the records to explain why they are finding fewer soybeans in the world than their numbers have been showing for the past two years.  

The USDA significantly reduced the world carryover for the 2021-22 crop marketing year.

After copying the numbers from the USDA website, we thought we had made a mistake. When we double checked the copied numbers with the USDA website, we thought USDA had made a mistake.

The USDA reduced the world carryout for the marketing year that ended on the 31st of August 2022, 1½ years ago, from the 98.03 million mts to 93.93 million mts. That is 4.1 million mts of beans, 151 mil. bushels, just gone with the stroke of a key board in one month.  

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