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Rain Days & Tidbits 01/31/2022

In the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, the Agriculture and Livestock Federation expects the state's soybean production to be 11.4 million tons, which is down 13.8% compared to last year even though the soybean acreage increased 7% (9.1 million acres). The soybean crop is rated 31% poor, 36% average, and 36% good. Southeastern Mato Grosso do Sul has been the region of the state most impacted by the dry conditions and the soybeans in that region are rated 95% poor and 5% average.

The state of Parana soybean crop is estimated at 12.8 million tons compared to 13.1 million last month and 21 million at the start of the growing season. The state produced 19.8 million mt of beans last year. The soybean crop in the state is rated 31% poor, 33% average, and 36% good. The soybeans are 3% in vegetative development, 12% flowering, 60% filling pods, 25% mature, and 8% harvested.

There was massive flooding yesterday in Brazil’s eastern state of Minas Gerais. One area received 11.4 inches in 12 hours (290 mm). It is the seventh largest soybean producing state in Brazil at about 8 million mt. It produces more than half of the coffee. The southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul, it is now looking like it has the worst crops since 1914. Corn and soybean crops are rated 95% poor and 5% average.

On Friday, exporters at the Gulf on Friday had corn basis steady through August, but up 6 cents for September and up 10 cents for October. Good news for those of you who have to deliver corn in the fall. Soybean basis was up 6 cents for Jan, up 4-7 cents for February, steady for March and up 2 cents for April.

US hard red winter wheat producers are comparing crop input costs to replace parched winter wheat field this spring.

AGP announced Friday it will build a state-of-the-art soybean processing plant near David City, NE with a capacity over 50 million bushels of soybeans per year.

Pork supplies in US cold storage facilities are at an eleven-year low in the latest USDA cold storage report. At 399 million pounds on December 1st, pork supplies were down 4.1% from a year ago as more and more workers called in sick and limiting meat production, backing up livestock ready for slaughter, depressing prices while sending meat prices higher. Packers are loving this scenario. Bacon prices at the end of December were around $7.21, a record high and up 39% since the beginning of the pandemic.


Rondonópolis, Mato Grosso, in the heart of Brazil's most productive soybean area, received 1.1 inch of rain yesterday; 0.1 inch a year ago and 0.1 inch two years ago (one inch = 24.5 mm).

Yesterday's high temperature was 73°F. Day time highs the next ten days will range from 79 to 92°F (100°F = 38°C). Yesterday, in the dry areas of South America: Santa Maria high temperature 95°F with no rain. Cordoba high temperature 97°F with no rain. Salto high temperature 99°F with no rain. Total rainfall and temperatures expected in the next ten days: Santa Maria 1.33 inches 84 to 97°F Cordoba 0.93 inches 75 to 92°F Salto 0.55 inches 80 to 96°F

The Western Corn has the same number of rain days as yesterday and the Eastern Corn Belt has three more rain days than yesterday.

Explanation of Rain Days


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